About The Founder
I am Shelley Scott-Johnson, M.Ed., a single-parent, grandmother, educator, and technology enthusiast. I have a passion for volunteering in the community and inspiring others to aspire greatness by birthing their thoughts and "what ifs" into fruition. You must have a passion for what you ultimately decide to dedicate your time and talent to. Thus, birthing my long-time thought to establish a non-profit to mentor others and inspire them to aspire their greatness. My Personal Journey In 2010 I was laid off after sharing 14 years of my time, talent, and knowledge with my employer. At that time, I had been in the workforce since 1984, and suddenly I was unemployed. As I pondered about my future, I thought about my family. My family consists of Educators who instruct elementary school students, high school students, and students in higher education. It was my family who inspired me to return to school to complete my bachelor’s at age 43. I graduated with honors, Cum Laude, while raising both my daughter and first granddaughter. Afterward, I re-entered the workforce and also established a business. It was my colleagues who inspired me to complete my Master’s degree at age 46. I graduated with a 3.69 G.P.A.. It was my parents who inspired me to begin a doctoral program. Then I learned that it was I who inspired friends of mine to aspire to return to school and obtain a degree or start a new business. As you can see, you only need to be inspired to aspire to be greater. Behind the Logo From the image to the colors, the logo had to represent my journey and my vision. The story behind the Phoenix was that it rose from the ashes to renewed youth. The Phoenix in the logo represents the transformation that takes place after we have been inspired to aspire to be greater. The colors each have their own meaning but in unison they represent the ambition, strength, and intuition within each of us to recognize the components required for our new beginning. Phoenix = Rebirth and Transformation Purple = Power and Ambition Green = Growth and New Beginnings Turquoise = Inspiration and Intuition Platinum = Strength |